Glad you’re interested! First, let us tell you about ourselves so you can decide if we’re a good fit for you!
Hi! We are the HLH Team and we manage a collection of stunning Luxury Rentals. We’ve been licensed Realtor-Associates for the past 15 years and have developed a specific niche in Luxury Property Management. Though very much run like our own business, we are part of Elite Pacific’s brokerage and Rental team.
We have 6 team members:
Jenny Kono - Senior Property Manager
Sasha Capone - Senior Property Manager
Grant Newcombe - Property Manager
Felipe Barraneche - Property Manager
Chey Young - Operation’s Manager
Joe Hudgins - Property Inspector
We absolutely LOVE what we do! We work at beautiful properties and meet amazing people. Here are some of our Client Testimonials.
“We believe in enjoying life with the people you love in the places you love the most”
We make enjoying life a reality by connecting people with like-minded businesses and families and serving as trusted rental investment advisors.
How We Operate
We prioritize people over profit. Our favorite part of the business is the people we work with and the people we meet along the way. We value and treat our vendors the same as we do our clients. We focus on luxury and provide concierge level service in every aspect of the work we do.
We are Experts in Luxury Rentals
What We Do
We manage luxury rental homes, legally, making the most amount of rental income for our owners. We provide the highest level of property management services, marketing, and Guest concierge.
Team Values & Expectations
100% - Each team member gives 100% effort
Professionalism - Look and act professional at all times under all circumstances. No Excuses!
Quality - We choose Quality over Quantity. This means we are selective in what properties and projects we take on.
Treat EVERYONE with Kindness & Respect - Treat every business relationship with kindness and respect whether it is a vendor, associate, property owner or VIP Guest.
Growth - Spend time each day on self-improvement/education
Ownership - We take pride and ownership in everything we do.
Only the Best - Provide 5-Star concierge level service in every aspect of the business.
Still Interested? This job may be for you!
Unfortunately, we do not have any job positions available at this time :(
If you'd like to complete our applicant questionnaire and/or submit your resume,
we will keep your application on file and reach out when a job position opens up.